My first photographic gold medal

BSPA gold medalWarning! This is a brag-post 🙂

After some delay, I finally received my first photographic gold medal. The competition results were out in March, but it didn’t really feel real, until I actual got the medal.
I’m so proud 🙂

The competition was the BSPA Super Circuit 2015 “Freedom” in Bangladesh, and it was the Pern-club who awarded me this medal.

The photo is shown below. The model is Ella Rose Muse, who visited Norway in June 2014. At midsummer, the temperature is normally around 20 degrees. In 2014 the temperature was 6 degrees and there were showers. Thank you Ella Rose for being a great sport in the cold weather.

The gold winner “Before the rain” is shown below.

Before the rain

“Before the rain” (C) John Erik Setsaas 2014 – Model Ella Rose Muse

Nederlandsche Dok en Scheepsbouw Maatschappij

On December 20th, I arranged a photo walk to the NDSM wharf in Amsterdam. I was recommended this area by several people, as an interesting area for photography, which was confirmed when I got there. The NDSM wharf is very easily accessible by ferry from the Amsterdam Central station, which runs every 30 minutes, and is free.

I invited to a photo walk using MeetUp at the Dutch Photography Meetup Group, and got around 10 responses. I also arranged with model Eva, who also joined us.

I invited to the photo walk…

  • on a place where I’d never been before
  • with people I’d never met before
  • with a model I’d never worked with before.

Recipe for an interesting day :-).

And I think it turned out very good. We had some wind, but the sun was out, with some clouds, giving different light. (The next day it was raining all day). After the walk we ended up at the Noorderlicht Café, where several of us had cocoa with brandy.

I tried to gather everybody for a photo, but there were so many interesting things to see and photograph, that a couple of the most active photographers are missing from this photo. (I guess this confirms the rule that the probability of gathering n people is proportional to the square of n :-))

A piece of good advice, painted on the tiles.

Below are some of my photos from this photo walk.